Room 15 Jigsaw Art
Self Assessment Form
Please make a copy before you begin!
1.I have used enlargement skills to create a jigsaw artwork with our class:
2. I have used a range of pastel techniques:
yes like bleeding, colouring in my art and smudging.
3. I have looked closely at the colours on the small piece and used the same colours on the enlargement:yes I used the right color’s on my jigsaw art.
4. I have blended the pastels using different colours:
yes using blue and purple.
5. What I would do differently next time:
make my art bigger.
6. Other comments (what I like best and why, what I don’t like and why):
I liked doing the Jigsaw art because I like painting and blending with colors. I like painting because it makes me relax and makes me cool down.
Photo of my jigsaw piece: 
Photo of Room 15’s completed jigsaw art:
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