
Monday, 8 December 2014

Ko Presley toku ingoa

Ko puketapapa  [puke wiwi]

Ko Manukau toku moana

Komay road school toku kura

No Reira.

Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou, katoa.

            Day’s of the week

Monday - Rahina
Tuesday- Ratu
Wednesday- Raapa
Thursday- Rapare
Friday- Ramere
Saturday- Rahoroi
Sunday- Ratapu

Ko te   aha tenei ra.?
what day is today?
Ko te aha tenei ra
what day is today

               Classroom objects

Pene - pen
Pene Rakau - pencil
Pukapuka - book
Pepa - paper
Ruri - Ruler
Pene hinu - crayon
Pe ke pene - pencil case
Turu - chair
Karaka - clock
Rorohiko - computer
Pene rakau karakara - coloured pencil
Tepu - desk [ table]
Papakupu - dictionary
Kuaha - door
Pukapuka mahi -

                Nga nama / Nga whika

  1. tahi
  2. Rua
  3. Toru
  4. wha
  5. Rima
  6. Ono
  7. Whitu
  8. waru
  9. Iwa
  10. Tekau
  11. Tekau ma tahi
  12. Tekau ma rua
  13. Tekau ma toru


Te harakeke

Te Korari

Nga taonga whakarere iho

O te Rangi

O te whenua

O nga Tupuna

Homai he oranga mo matou

Tihei mauri ora.

    Simple sentences in Maori and in  English

  1.  kei te pehea koe ?
  2. Kei te pehea raua?
  3. Kei te pehea korua?
  4. kei te pai ahau.
  5. kei te pai maua.
  6. Kei te harikoa ahau.
  7. kei te hia moe ahau.
  8. Kei te hia kai ahau.
  9. kei te hoha  ahau.
  10. kei te ohorere ahau.
  11. Kei te hia ihu ahau.
  12. Kei te makariri ahau.
  13. kei te whakama ahau.

I am happy

I am sleepy

I am hungry

I am bored

I am excited

I am thirsty

I am cold

I am ashamed

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