
Thursday 18 September 2014

Thank you Mt.Roskill intermediate for inviting us to your school and letting us watch your performance.
The best part was  the Samoan and Tongan people doing a slap dance all together, And the end part was so, so funny.

This Is My Writeing About Mt.Roskill Intermediate.

Monday 15 September 2014


On the best day, it was hard because it was cross country and I was not happy because I was not fit. When the little kids finished, it was the year- 5's, turn I was so so nervous that I was going to come last. When miss Tipama’a said go, I was so so so scared. I was so so scared that Faiupu will beat me but then I ran faster. When I was nearly there, I started to run faster and faster and then people were screaming. After that I came in 5th place and was so so happy because I am fat and I came 5th, and then everyone went back to class and I was happy that it was over!...

Thursday 4 September 2014

My speech about poverty.

Poverty, Poverty, Poverty! Why should I even talk about Poverty? More less to say...What is Poverty? Who can help us? Does Poverty affect you and me? Do you hear your parents say “sorry son we don’t have enough food” or “sorry son we don’t have enough money” well I do, that is POVERTY. What is Poverty? Poverty can mean not having enough money for basic needs like food, clothing and shelter. Poverty is also hunger, not enough food to feed our families and children, sometimes that’s why children don’t come to school because they have no lunch. Poverty is not having a home to live in, that is why we see people living on the streets (homeless). Poverty is being sick and you can’t see a doctor because you don’t have enough money. Why is Poverty important? Poverty is important for all of us to understand and be aware of so we can help each other in times of struggle, but its also about caring and giving to those who need the help and are living in poverty. Did you know that one in four New Zealand children, that’s 260,000 kiwi kids live in poverty, that’s going without the basic needs like I mentioned earlier. Who can you call? Who can help us? Kidscan, Salvation Army and Poverty Action Group just to name a few organisations are where we can get help. Did you know that Kidscan which you hear a lot about has been helping you, me and May Road School with raincoats and shoes to keep us dry and warm during winter and raining days. Conclusion Poverty should not be ignored or for you and me to turn a blind eye, like its not happening in our country, but involves everyone including the government, you and me poverty in New Zealand. Thank you to Kidscan for supporting our school and providing the basic needs for us kids. Let’s come together to support and fundraise for Kidscan, and help a child that is living in poverty. Come on lets go!!!!!! This is my speech about poverty.